Tuesday, February 28, 2012

That's right the snake says, "sssssssssss"

(A) and I have been playing and learning and singing for days.  This kid can moo, cluck, oink, growl, bark, whoo whoo, hiss, honk, peck, crow, caw, peep, and screech.  He loves his animal books and identifies them by sound often.  In addition to his animal noises, (A) is obsessed with vehicle noises and has a different one for each type.  His favorite is airplanes, for the moment.

In other news (A) related news, he had his 15 month checkup today.  This guy is a perfectly average 50th percentile all the way: 32" tall, 26lbs 13ozs, 42cm head circumference.  He was a trooper through the shots and finger prick and gave all the nurses high-fives.  The one not-so-awesome piece of information we got is that Turkey Feather's ticker has a twitch / (A) has a heart murmur.  This means we've got to visit a pediatric cardiologist to get it checked out.  I'm concerned of course, but not stressing.  It's fairly common in children and usually they outgrow it.  But, it can also be an indicator of heart issues so they want to take a better look than they can get with a stethoscope.  I'll keep you guys posted.

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